Plot: You can't choose who your brothers are. Tim is six and a half and lives on Daltonstreet with his three brothers Erik, Jelle, and Daantje. Tim experiences lots of small adventures, which seem like unimportant events, but Tim is left with an indelible impression. You can't choose who your brothers...
Plot: SpangaS is a Dutch youth series, created by the NCRV and the makers of ZOOP. The television series revolves around the lives of a group of students at Spangalis College. Episodes revolve around a wide range of student activities and personal drama during secondary education. Wikipedia
Plot: Dutch performers Kees Prins, Herman Koch and Michiel Romeyn portray a multitude of peculiar characters in a series of absurdist and satirical comedy sketches.
Plot: After their ten-year-old son is expelled from school for threatening another student with a gun, Carmen issues her crime lord husband Frans an ultimatum: either he leaves his life of crime, or she leaves him. Unable to make a change in time, Frans is murdered, and Carmen finds herself swiftly and viciously...
Plot: Junior Songfestival is a Dutch televised music competition for children, held annually since 2003. It is the children's version of the Nationaal Songfestival. The winner of the contest goes on to represent The Netherlands in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, an international version of the competition...
Plot: Koefnoen was a popular Dutch television show, aired by the AVRO between 2004 and 2016. The first episode aired on 17 September 2004. The sketches on this show were taking a look at the past week. Most characters in Koefnoen were done by Dutch comedians Owen Schumacher and Paul Groot. Wikipedia
Plot: Otje and irritable father Tos live in the attic of the almost bankrupt hotel The Koperwiek where Tos works as a cook. Otje is a boyish girl who love the outdoors. She has a secret tree house and is friends with Betsy cat, Bailey the dog and all the birds in the forest. Tos is quite skeptical of these...
Plot: Two dutch farmgirls, always "bored" yet not bored because their friend postman Siemen always knows something to do. Though Ingrid and Irma are best friends, Irma often insulting and bullying Ingrid.