Plot: Sprookjesboom, also known as "The Fairy Tale Tree", "Märchenbaum" and "L'Arbre des Contes", is a computer-animated series for children from the Efteling. The show is produced by the animation studio Motek Entertainment in Amsterdam, based on a concept from Efteling's director, Olaf Vugts. Wikipedia...
Plot: Hopla is a Belgian CGI-animated series for toddlers, created by Bert Smets in 1999, and produced by Bert Smets Productions. The cartoon features the rabbit Hopla and his friends â the pig Onki, the bear Nina, and the kitten Lola. Each episode is about five minutes. Wikipedia
Plot: Wizzy & Woppy is a Flemish children's television show produced by Studio 100, centered on four animal friends who live together in a pet store. The show premiered on August 30, 1999 and the final episode was broadcast in 2007. The show was broadcast in Flanders and the Netherlands. Wikipedia
Plot: Fourways Farm is a British children's animated television series produced by Case Television and Dutch Education Television from the Netherlands, and aired on Channel 4 during 4Learning Primary Science between 1993 and 1996. Wikipedia
Plot: Ever After High Epic Winter Apple White Doll Review - New EAH doll. The epic winter full animated movie will debut on netflix on 8/26/16. The other dolls in this line include Madeline Hatter, Briar Beauty, Ashyln Ella, Blondie Lockes, Crystal Winter & a 2 pack for Rosabella Beauty & Daring Charming!...