Plot: Hoe?Zo! was a popular scientific television show aired from 2003 to 2009 on Teleac/NOT. The program was originally Flemish and was hosted by Bart Peeters. The show was aired first on Flemish television, and later in the Netherlands only. Wikipedia
Plot: A weekly investigative Current Affairs show featuring thought-provoking journalism the brings together a team of seasoned investigative journalists whose voices, faces and backgrounds reflect South Africa's multicultural diversity.
Plot: Junior Songfestival is a Dutch televised music competition for children, held annually since 2003. It is the children's version of the Nationaal Songfestival. The winner of the contest goes on to represent The Netherlands in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, an international version of the competition...
Plot: Kids Top 20 is a television show for kids, currently broadcast in the Netherlands and France. The show revolves around a pop music chart for kids. Wikipedia