Plot: A Dutch variety show for kids hosted by 'Meneer Kaktus'. This TV program intended for kids is a variety show taking place in a boxing ring. Each episode hosted by 'mister cactus' has a similar formula with multiple rounds of which the start and end are indicated by the bell. Rounds include singing...
Plot: Koefnoen was a popular Dutch television show, aired by the AVRO between 2004 and 2016. The first episode aired on 17 September 2004. The sketches on this show were taking a look at the past week. Most characters in Koefnoen were done by Dutch comedians Owen Schumacher and Paul Groot. Wikipedia
Plot: You can't choose who your brothers are. Tim is six and a half and lives on Daltonstreet with his three brothers Erik, Jelle, and Daantje. Tim experiences lots of small adventures, which seem like unimportant events, but Tim is left with an indelible impression. You can't choose who your brothers...
Plot: Two dutch farmgirls, always "bored" yet not bored because their friend postman Siemen always knows something to do. Though Ingrid and Irma are best friends, Irma often insulting and bullying Ingrid.
Plot: In de Gloria was a 2000รข01 Flemish TV sketch comedy show, directed by Jan Eelen and produced by the company Woestijnvis. It was a mockumentary series which satirized reality television and human interest shows, especially the way regular people are exploited by media. Wikipedia
Plot: 30 minuten was a 1995 Dutch satirical mockumentary TV series, written by Arjan Ederveen and directed by Pieter Kramer. Ederveen also starred in every episode. Two series of seven episodes were produced and broadcast by the Dutch TV station VPRO between 1995 and 1997. Wikipedia