Plot: Gamba no BÅken is a Japanese anime series based on the 1972 eponymous novel, BÅkenshatachi: Ganba to 15-hiki no Nakama by Atsuo Saitoh and directed by Osamu Dezaki. Its 26 episodes were broadcast on Nippon TV between April 7, 1975 and September 29, 1975 and was animated by Tokyo Movie...
Plot: Mighty Orbots is a 1984 American/Japanese Super robot animated series created in a joint collaboration of TMS Entertainment and Intermedia Entertainment in association with MGM/UA Television. It was directed by veteran anime director Osamu Dezaki and features character designs by Akio Sugino. Wikipedia...
Plot: Robotan is a Japanese anime and manga series created by Kenji Morita. The series revolves around household robot Robotan, who is created By Kan-chan and lives with an everyday Japanese family as a domestic servant and friend to the children. Wikipedia
Plot: Please! Psammea-don is a Japanese anime that was broadcast from 2 April 1985 to 4 February 1986 with a total of 78 episodes produced. This anime is based on the 1902 novel Five Children and It by English author Edith Nesbit. The anime differs from the novel in revolving around four children rather...
Plot: Bye Bye, Lady Liberty is the first television special in the Lupin III franchise. Directed by veteran director Osamu Dezaki, it was broadcast by NTV on April 1, 1989. Wikipedia
Plot: Telepathy ShÅjo Ran Jiken Note is a novel series by Atsuko Asano. A manga adaptation by Toshitsugu Iida is serialized in the shÅnen manga magazine ShÅnen Sirius. A twenty-six-episode anime adaptation aired in Japan between June 21 and December 20, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Soccer Fever is an anime produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, RAI, Seoul Movie, and TMS-Kyokuchi, it was broadcast by NHK and RAI. This anime is part of Eisei Anime GekijÅ. In Italy, it is known as I ragazzi del Mundial. Wikipedia
Plot: KÅya no ShÅnen Isamu, is a manga written by SÅji Yamakawa and drawn by Noboru Kawasaki, published in Weekly ShÅnen Jump from 1971 to 1974. It was adapted into an anime by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, Shingo Araki and Daikichiro Kusube created the character designs, while...
Plot: Kinkyū Hasshin Saver Kids is an adventure anime series by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, originally created by Lupin the Third creator Monkey Punch. Wikipedia
Plot: New Tetsujin-28 is a 1980 Japanese Mecha Animated series produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, and a modern style remake of Mitsuteru Yokoyama's manga Tetsujin 28-go. It was directed by Tetsuo Imazawa and produced by both Shigeru Akagawa and Toru Horikoshi. Wikipedia
Plot: Devil Lady, known in Japan as Devilman Lady, is a 1997 manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai, and the sequel to Devilman. It was originally serialized by Kodansha from January 1997 to July 2000 in the magazine Weekly Morning, and later collected in 17 volumes. Wikipedia
Plot: Bye Bye, Lady Liberty is the first television special in the Lupin III franchise. Directed by veteran director Osamu Dezaki, it was broadcast by NTV on April 1, 1989. Wikipedia
Plot: Reporter Blues is an Italian-Japanese animation television series written by Marco Pagot and Gi Pagot and directed by Kenji Kodama. It consists of 52 half-hour episodes. The first season was aired in France in 1991. The second season was aired in 1996. Wikipedia