Plot: Famous Dog Lassie is a 1996 Japanese anime television series animated by Nippon Animation as the 23rd entry of the World Masterpiece Theater staple. The anime is based on the 1940 novel Lassie Come-Home by Eric Knight and also the second animated Lassie series ever produced, since Lassie's Rescue Rangers...
Plot: Little Lord Fauntleroy, also known as ShÅkÅshi Ceddie, is a Japanese anime series produced by Nippon Animation in 1988 and was broadcast on the World Masterpiece Theater, an animation staple that showcased each year an animated version of a different classical book or story. Wikipedia...
Plot: Welcome to fantastic world of Hans Christian Andersen where Gerda and her father run a hotel. Things turn bleak when a guest arrives dressed in white, dripping diamonds and eyeing Gerda's love, Kai. When she vanishes with Kai, it is up to Gerda to find her one true love. "Snow Queen" is a fantasy with...
Plot: Soccer Fever is an anime produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, RAI, Seoul Movie, and TMS-Kyokuchi, it was broadcast by NHK and RAI. This anime is part of Eisei Anime GekijÅ. In Italy, it is known as I ragazzi del Mundial. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Robot Red Baron is a Japanese tokusatsu series that aired from July 4, 1973, to March 27, 1974. It was produced by Nippon Gendai Kikaku and Senkosha Productions. Its story was later retold in the anime Red Baron and it had a sequel titled Super Robot Mach Baron. Wikipedia
Plot: Marude Dameo is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kenji Morita. The series stars an elementary school boy named Dameo Marude, who has little success with anything he tries, and a robot named Borot, which is good with housekeeping. Wikipedia
Plot: Please! Psammea-don is a Japanese anime that was broadcast from 2 April 1985 to 4 February 1986 with a total of 78 episodes produced. This anime is based on the 1902 novel Five Children and It by English author Edith Nesbit. The anime differs from the novel in revolving around four children rather...
Plot: Bush Baby, Little Angel of the Grasslands, shortened as The Bush Baby, is the title of a 1992 anime series consisting of forty 25-minute episodes. It is based on the novel The Bushbabies by Canadian author William Stevenson. Wikipedia
Plot: Mischievous Twins: The Tales of St. Clare's is a 1991 Japanese anime created by Tokyo Movie Shinsha and originally broadcast on Nippon TV from January to November 1991. The anime is based on the St. Clare's books by UK children's author Enid Blyton. Wikipedia
Plot: Holly the Ghost, also known in Japan as The Ghost Holly, is a Japanese anime television series directed by Minoru Okazaki. The series first aired in Japan on the NHK network between January 28, 1991 and April 6, 1993, spanning 200 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Robotan is a Japanese anime and manga series created by Kenji Morita. The series revolves around household robot Robotan, who is created By Kan-chan and lives with an everyday Japanese family as a domestic servant and friend to the children. Wikipedia
Plot: Porphy no Nagai Tabi is a Japanese anime series by Nippon Animation, as the 2008 installment of the famed World Masterpiece Theater series. It is an adaptation of Paul-Jacques Bonzon's novel, Les Orphelins de Simitra. Wikipedia
Plot: Kinkyū Hasshin Saver Kids is an adventure anime series by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, originally created by Lupin the Third creator Monkey Punch. Wikipedia
Plot: Reporter Blues is an Italian-Japanese animation television series written by Marco Pagot and Gi Pagot and directed by Kenji Kodama. It consists of 52 half-hour episodes. The first season was aired in France in 1991. The second season was aired in 1996. Wikipedia