Plot: White-tailed deer, arguably the most popular big-game species to hunt, are covered from antler to toe in this series, which is an extension of the same-named and longtime-published magazine. Co-hosts Stan Potts and Gordon Whittington provide authoritative coverage of world-class trophy hunting adventures...
Plot: Wildlife author and hard-core outdoorsman Ron Spomer hosts this series designed to quicken the pulses of deer hunters everywhere, as he shares his time-tested tricks of the trade for bagging monster bucks. Spomer travels to North America's top whitetail destinations for authentic hunting experiences...
Plot: A Whitetail SLAM is the harvesting of four bucks from the eight recognized whitetail sub-groups found in North America. Few hunters recognize the differences in whitetail deer across the continent and Whitetail SLAM biologists and hunters dive-in to demonstrate these differences as well as tackle the...
Plot: Don and Kandi Kisky are freaks of nature. They make their living where monster bucks roam, spending countless hours in search of them on memorable hunts with family and friends. The action is captured by the Kiskys' production company and presented by Don and Kandi on the popular series "Whitetail...