Plot: A healthy appetite and a willing palate are essential traits for fans of "MeatEater." From hunting turkey in Florida and elk in Kentucky, to grizzlies in British Columbia and antelope in New Mexico, avid outdoorsman, author and TV personality Steven Rinella pursues a wide variety of prey during thrill...
Plot: "Realtree Outdoors" follows host Bill Jordan and friends on real-life hunting trips across North America. Jordan offers bowhunting tips and product information along the way. Trips have included hunts in Q for caribou, Utah for elk and Kentucky for wild turkeys.
Plot: A group of former and current professional baseball players, along with a pair of country music stars, team up with outdoorsman, hunter and author Willie Robertson. Best known for his appearances on A&E's "Duck Dynasty," Robertson aids his co-owners of the Buck Commander Co. in the woods for deer season...
Plot: "Whitetail Diaries" showcases the best hunting stories from across the country that highlight North America's most popular game animal, the whitetail deer. Host Wade Middleton, an avid outdoorsman and hunting enthusiast, visits others who share his passions and joins them as they hunt using a variety...
Plot: White-tailed deer, arguably the most popular big-game species to hunt, are covered from antler to toe in this series, which is an extension of the same-named and longtime-published magazine. Co-hosts Stan Potts and Gordon Whittington provide authoritative coverage of world-class trophy hunting adventures...
Plot: A Whitetail SLAM is the harvesting of four bucks from the eight recognized whitetail sub-groups found in North America. Few hunters recognize the differences in whitetail deer across the continent and Whitetail SLAM biologists and hunters dive-in to demonstrate these differences as well as tackle the...