Plot: Reverse Edge: Åkawabata Tanteisha is a Japanese manga series by Garon Tsuchiya and Akio Tanaka. Its chapters are serialized in the manga magazine Weekly Manga Goraku and published in tankÅbon volumes by Nihon Bungeisha. As of April 2019, ten volumes have been released. Wikipedia
Plot: The Embalmer is a manga series written and illustrated by Mitsukazu Mihara. It was serialized within the magazine Feel Young, and was collected into 7 volumes by Shodensha. The Embalmer was previously licensed for English release by Tokyopop, and four volumes have been released. Wikipedia
Plot: A game is initiated between four roommates, and the winner will gain ownership of their luxurious apartment in the Aoyama district. How will the battle unfold between a freeter, an OL, a gynecologist, a cook and a stylist?
Plot: What is real and what is for show? As 19 women compete for fame in the gravure modeling industry (Japanese soft-core glamour modeling, often involving lingerie), it's hard to tell if the women are showing their true selves or playing a character. But the 19 women are finalists in a competition to form...
Plot: Walkin' Butterfly is a shÅjo manga by Chihiro Tamaki. It was serialized by Kodansha in the manga magazine Vanilla until the magazine ceased publication in 2003, then by Kadokawa X Media by mobile phone until the series concluded in 2007. The series was collected in four bound volumes by Ohzora...
Plot: Spooky Romantics is a Japanese comedy television drama series broadcast on TV Tokyo. It premiered on January 9, 2015 and ended on March 28, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: A guy moves in with 5 nubile women, paying rent by doing their housework. Yuuta, moves to Tokyo in order to enter a university where his girlfriend is studying, finds a share house that he can rent with a cheap price. Things get interesting that all his housemates are sexy girls who demands him to cook...
Plot: The story revolves around three ordinary girls named Asahi, Nami, and Hinata who are aiming to become idols, but they repeatedly fail in their auditions. One day, they witness a serious crime, and they are forced to flee from the culprits. Fortunately, they are saved by a producer who is willing to...