Plot: Quo Vadis? is a 1985 international television miniseries made by Radiotelevisione Italiana, Antenne 2, Polyphon Film- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Channel 4 Television, Televisión Española and Televisione Svizzera Italiana. It was directed by Franco Rossi and produced by Elio Scardamaglia and Francesco...
Plot: Arthur and Beryl Crabtree have waited for the day their four children are out on their own, and they can finally take that second honeymoon and enjoy their retirement. But as each of their grown children returns to the nest, those golden years are looking farther and farther away.
Plot: Giuseppe Garibaldi, a fisherman from the countryside, is accidentally made the leader of Italy when frustrated politicians decide to name a historical figure as the next president without thinking about the consequences.