Plot: Three best friends living in San Francisco share the nuances and complexities of contemporary gay relationships as they explore a variety of options, both in love and in life. They are unified by their close bond, but their search for happiness and intimacy has taken them on separate paths. Patrick...
Plot: It's the 1990s in Boring, Ore., and groups of outcasts in Boring High School's AV and drama clubs are trying to brave the ups and downs of teenage life in a simpler world without smartphones and other 21st century technology. The two crews of nerdy students are frustrated that no one is taking them...
Plot: "On My Block" follows a quartet of bright, street-savvy friends who are navigating their way through high school, including all the of the triumph, pain and newness they experience along the way. Lifelong friendships are tested as Monse, Ruby, Jamal and Cesar confront the challenges of adolescence...
Plot: Daniel Garcia is working in the family bakery and doing everything that his loving Cuban parents and siblings expect him to do, until his life changes unexpectedly on a wild Miami night with a chance encounter with Noa Hollander at a fancy restaurant. Noa is an international superstar, the daughter...
Plot: While New York witnesses the evolution of the ball culture and the rise of the Trump-era, an LGBTQ ball fixture, Blanca, starts her own house and turns mother to a gifted dancer and a sex worker.
Plot: Socially awkward high school student Otis may not have much experience in the lovemaking department, but he gets good guidance on the topic in his personal sex ed course -- living with mom Jean, who is a sex therapist. Being surrounded by manuals, videos and tediously open conversations about sex, Otis...
Plot: The romantic comedy "Faking It" uses a liberal Texas community and a high-school-age cast to present a commentary on sexual orientation, tolerance and acceptance among young people today. Karma and Amy are inseparable friends who rely on their bond for comfort and support. In fact, they are so close...
Plot: Bay and Daphne are exchanged at birth when the hospital mistakes one for the other. One family decides to introduce the two children so that they can accept the other's differences and similarities.
Plot: Best friends Issa and Molly belong to the same social background and face similar experiences. They always strive to find solutions to their problems by facing them together.
Plot: Spencer James is a rising football player who makes the shift to an affluent Beverly Hills school on his coach's advice. He struggles to find his footing as the new team is threatened by his arrival.
Plot: Kevin, Kate and Randall, three siblings, go through unique personal struggles at different intervals of life as they try to find happiness and get over a tragedy in their past.
Plot: Inspired by Federico Moccia's books, this series follows Summer, who longs to leave her small town and see the world, as she meets Ale, a motorcyclist.
Plot: Following the lives of a new generation of students at Degrassi Community School as they encounter high-school issues such as racism, drug use, homophobia, mental illness, cyber bulling, sexuality, religion, and more.
Plot: Life goes from routine to a roller-coaster ride overnight for artistic teenager Andi Mack. It all happens on the eve of her 13th birthday when free-spirited older sister Bex -- who has been traveling around the world -- returns home to make a revelation, which changes everything for the Mack family...