Plot: Bryant Gumbel hosts this investigative sports newsmagazine series that features in-depth reports from "Real Sports" correspondents Mary Carillo, Bernard Goldberg, Soledad O'Brien, Andrea Kremer, Jon Frankel and Gumbel himself. The series airs monthly, and each hourlong edition contains four segments...
Plot: Simultaneously a biography of both historical and contemporary characters and a uniquely American idea, this 12-hour, six-part documentary, directed by Ken Burns and co-produced with writer Dayton Duncan, traces the evolution of national parks beginning in the mid-1800s and follows it over the next...
Plot: Thomas Jefferson is a 1997 two-part American documentary film directed and produced by Ken Burns. It covers the life and times of Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of the United States. In the film Jefferson is portrayed as renaissance man. Wikipedia
Plot: Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson is a documentary by filmmaker Ken Burns based on the nonfiction book of the same name by Geoffrey C. Ward. Wikipedia
Plot: Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery is a 1997 documentary film about the Lewis and Clark Expedition directed and co-produced by Ken Burns. The film, produced by Burns' Florentine Films for Washington, DC PBS station WETA-TV, first aired on PBS on November 4 and 5, 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: When theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer became director of the Manhattan Project, he brought with him a love of poetry, philosophy and Eastern religion. In the years following Trinity, the classified maiden test of a prototype atomic bomb, Oppenheimer revealed himself as a thoughtful man who...
Plot: The Country Mouse and the City Mouse: A Christmas Tale is an animated TV special directed and produced by Michael Sporn and written by Maxine Fisher, adapted by Tish Rabe. Produced by Michael Sporn Animation, Random House and HBO. It aired on December 8, 1993 as part as the HBO Storybook Musicals series...
Plot: I Have Tourette's but Tourette's Doesn't Have Me is a 2005 documentary film featuring children between the ages of six and thirteen with Tourette syndrome. The film examines the lives of more than a dozen children who have Tourette's, and explores the challenges they face. Wikipedia