Plot: Simultaneously a biography of both historical and contemporary characters and a uniquely American idea, this 12-hour, six-part documentary, directed by Ken Burns and co-produced with writer Dayton Duncan, traces the evolution of national parks beginning in the mid-1800s and follows it over the next...
Plot: Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible brain disorder that destroys a person's memory and thinking skills. It is a disease that affects millions of Americans. This four-part documentary series focuses on the causes, symptoms, treatment and possible cures of the progressive brain disorder, and takes...
Plot: Thomas Jefferson is a 1997 two-part American documentary film directed and produced by Ken Burns. It covers the life and times of Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of the United States. In the film Jefferson is portrayed as renaissance man. Wikipedia
Plot: Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson is a documentary by filmmaker Ken Burns based on the nonfiction book of the same name by Geoffrey C. Ward. Wikipedia
Plot: John's Not Mad is a QED documentary made by the BBC in 1989. It was ranked, in a British public poll, as one of the 50 Greatest Documentaries. Wikipedia