Plot: A year has passed and the summer holidays are approaching again. The children can no longer wait to go to the cottage with their fathers. However, fathers have their heads full of duties this year. Jano has become the deputy headmaster at the school and has to draw up timetables over the summer. Zdeno...
Plot: Nový život is a Slovak prime time teen drama television series produced by Petr KoleÄko, Danica HriÄová, Sláva AdamÃková, Roland Kubina, the former two credited as creative producers while also Kubina assisted KoleÄko on composing theme music and directed...
Plot: Tvoja tvár znie povedome is a reality television series that is aired on MarkÃza. It is both based on the Endemol format Your Face Sounds Familiar and an adaptation of the Spanish "Tu cara me suena." The first season consisted of eight celebrities. The show was first aired on March 6, 2016. Wikipedia...