Description: A Medical-Sci-Fi Thriller concerning a global pandemic and a worldwide cover-up of an alien invasion. Genre: Sci-Fi Year Released: 2021 Number of episodes: 1 First episode air date: October 13, 2021
Plot: After having been missing for nearly 20 years, Rick Sanchez suddenly arrives at daughter Beth's doorstep to move in with her and her family. Although Beth welcomes Rick into her home, her husband, Jerry, isn't as happy about the family reunion. Jerry is concerned about Rick, a sociopathic scientist,...
Plot: This program shows evidence of a supposed situation when no one dies in the world. People keep aging, they get hurt, sick, but they never die, threatening to change what it means to be human, forever.
Plot: A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor. This time, Commander Benjamin Sisko is in charge of a diverse crew. But unlike other `Star Trek' series, there's no USS Enterprise to help them. Sisko and the crew must fight off rival...
Plot: Kipo, a sheltered girl, gets a crash course in survival when a mutant attack sends her to the surface, far from the safety of her underground home.
Plot: This entry in Cartoon Network's popular `Ben 10' franchise features the superhero exploring the quirky side of the alien underworld in a secret alien city. Although Ben's ready to work alone, Grandpa Max teams him with a new, by-the-book partner. Along the way, Ben discovers enemies from his past looking...
Plot: Teenagers transported from Earth become pilots for robotic lions to fight in an intergalactic war. The Paladins of Voltron must learn to work as a team to assemble the robot Voltron and use its power to conquer the Galra Empire.
Plot: A space caster traverses trippy worlds inside his universe simulator, exploring existential questions about life, death and everything in between.
Plot: Dr. Clayton Forrester (Trace Beaulieu) figures he can rule the world if he deadens his subjects' brains by making them endure terrible movies. Exploiting his access to nearby satellite-dwellers Mike Nelson (Michael J. Nelson) and his robot pals, Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo (Kevin Murphy), Forrester … ...
Plot: Peter Griffin and his family of two teenagers, a smart dog, a devilish baby and his wife find themselves in some of the most hilarious scenarios.
Plot: Four young, schoolgoing boys, Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman and Kenny McCormick, who live in South Park set out on various adventures.
Plot: Working-class father Homer Simpson and his dysfunctional family deal with comical situations and the ups-and-downs of life in the town of Springfield.
Plot: Set in the mid-22nd century, over 100 years before James T. Kirk helmed the famous vessel, this installment of the "Star Trek" franchise is set on the Enterprise NX-01 -- the first Earth starship capable of warp 5 -- and explores the history of the interplanetary upheaval that eventually leads to the...
Plot: As multiple star systems get involved in the Clone Wars, the Jedi Knights struggle to keep the peace and defeat the droid army of the Separatists. Meanwhile, an old threat slowly reveals its presence.
Plot: Smith's family consists of four members which include a freaky goldfish that has the mind of a German football player and an alien. Smith, along with the CIA, tries to save America from every threat.
Plot: Malcolm, a bright and intelligent boy, lives with his dysfunctional family while dealing with the troubles of being the middle child and a teenager.
Plot: Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo. Assisted by his magical dog, Jake, Finn roams the Land of Ooo righting wrongs and battling evil. Usually that evil comes in the form of the Ice King, who is in search of a wife. He's decided he should wed Princess Bubblegum, though she doesn't want...
Plot: Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home. On its way, the crew encounters different species they must deal with, but find that all their adventures only make them long for home.
Plot: Set at the end of the 24th century, 18 years after the events of `Star Trek: Nemesis', with Sir Patrick Stewart reprising his iconic role, `Star Trek: Picard' revolves around retired admiral Jean-Luc Picard; he is still deeply affected by the loss of Lieutenant Commander Data, portrayed by Brent Spiner...
Plot: The Crystal Gems are a team of magical beings who are the self-appointed guardians of the universe. Half-human, half-Gem hero Steven is the "little brother" of the group. The goofball is learning to save the world using the magical powers that come from his bellybutton and he goes on magical adventures...
Plot: Hundreds of years in the future, things are different than what we are used to after humans have colonized the solar system and Mars has become an independent military power. Rising tensions between Earth and Mars have put them on the brink of war. Against this backdrop, a hardened detective and a rogue...
Plot: Actor Seth Green ("Family Guy") and Matthew Senreich created the off-the-wall comedy hit, which is a series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The title character was an ordinary chicken until he was run down by a car and subsequently brought back...
Plot: "China, IL" began life as a four-part miniseries (titled "China, Illinois") in 2008 and now is a full-blown series. It features Frank and Steve Smith, brothers who are professors in the history department of a state university in the titular town. The brothers are legends ... in their own minds, at...
Plot: Accidentally frozen, pizza-deliverer Fry wakes up 1,000 years in the future. He is taken in by his sole descendant, an elderly and addled scientist who owns a small cargo delivery service. Among the other crew members are Capt. Leela, accountant Hermes, intern Amy, obnoxious robot Bender and lobsterlike...
Plot: "The Shivering Truth" seeks to access the unconscious mind with its new stop-motion anthology comedy that is used to tackle topics on life, death and human nature. Darkly surreal and delicately crafted, it delves into riotous daymares that reek of dream logic. It is a series of loosely-linked emotional...
Plot: Due to unforeseeable circumstances, the Robinsons, a family of space colonists, crash-land on an unknown planet. Now, they must fight for survival and escape, despite the dangers surrounding them.
Plot: When the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku sends the young samurai Jack into a dystopian future, he must find a portal back to his own time to undo Aku's destruction and defeat him.
Plot: The crew of a spaceship embarks on an adventurous journey in outer space, four hundred years into the future, where they encounter various dangerous situations.
Plot: This collection of animated short stories spans several genres, including science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy. World-class animation creators bring captivating stories to life in the form of a unique and visceral viewing experience. The animated anthology series includes tales that explore alternate...
Plot: Captain Jean-Luc Picard leads a new generation of Starfleet officers in the Enterprise NCC 1701-D spacecraft to seek out new planet and life forms in space.
Plot: Appearing to be a united family, Bartrand and Laura are actually at the brink of parting ways. The cycle of regular life drags them to utter tedium and strains their relationship as days pass.
Plot: At the dawn of evolution, a caveman and a dinosaur on the brink of extinction bond over unfortunate tragedies and become each other's only hope of survival in a treacherous world.
Plot: Janitor Josh Futturman leads a pretty boring life, spending much of his time playing video games when he's not working. Things change, though, when he beats a video game that the rest of the world has given up on, thinking it was unbeatable. After he defeats the game, mysterious visitors from the future...
Plot: Bob Belcher is a third-generation restaurateur who runs Bob's Burgers with his loving wife and their three children. Bob believes his burgers speak for themselves and isn't afraid to offer a variety of off-beat creations. Bob's wife, Linda, supports his dream but is becoming sick of the slow times,...
Plot: In the midst of working off a prison sentence, an astronaut named Gary meets mysterious, planet-destroying alien Mooncake, with whom he immediately bonds. But Gary doesn't realize that his new sidekick is actually in demand by the sinister Lord Commander, who will do all he can to secure Mooncake's...
Plot: This animated series geared toward adults follows a police department that doesn't do a great job of protecting the backwater, small town where it is located. The officers on the force are bad -- not in the sense of being no-nonsense or cool, but bad in the sense of doing a poor job of policing the...
Plot: James T Kirk, who is the captain of the Starship Enterprise, explores the whole galaxy with his crew and goes on several adventures as they fight evil forces together.
Plot: This entry in Cartoon Network's popular `Ben 10' franchise features the superhero exploring the quirky side of the alien underworld in a secret alien city. Although Ben's ready to work alone, Grandpa Max teams him with a new, by-the-book partner. Along the way, Ben discovers enemies from his past looking...
Plot: Eureka, a town, is inhabited by brilliant scientists who work for Global Dynamics, an advanced research facility. When their tests go disastrously awry, Sheriff Jack Carter steps in to help them.