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Description: The story follows a ten-year period before WW2 in a fictional town of Gradina, Serbia and its residents, which went through the turbulent events like the Great Depression and the rise of fascism. But the most important segment of the story revolves around rivalry between two city's football clubs - Radnicki and Gradjanski. The story follows a ten-year period before WW2 in a fictional town of Gradina, Serbia and its residents, which went through the turbulent events like the Great Depression and the rise of fascism. But the most important segment of the story revolves around rivalry between two city's football clubs - Radnicki and Gradjanski.
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, War
Year Released: 1977
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 10
First episode air date: April 17, 1977
Program Creator: Slobodan Stojanović
Cast: Zoran Radmilović
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Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, War
Year Released: 1977
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 10
First episode air date: April 17, 1977
Program Creator: Slobodan Stojanović
Cast: Zoran Radmilović
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