Description: Genre: Comedy Year Released: 1972 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 6 First episode air date: November 19, 1972 Network: Yugoslav Radio Television
Plot: Carla and Turk decide to ask J.D. to move out of the apartment, leaving J.D. temporarily homeless, but it isn't long before they start to miss having him around...thus resulting in them realizing something they hadn't expected. Dr. Cox's competitive high school friend Ron comes to visit, Dr. Cox discovers...
Plot: The story of an ambitious, not-so-clever or smart, young cop Stanoje and his father Radoje, a well-known officer who returns home after many years full of energy, imagination and charm. Between father and son stands, both as a liaison and as a barrier, the benevolent police chief Zivko. The story of...
Plot: In March 1941 former Yugoslav government joined Axis powers by signing the Tripple Pact. The people on the street, as well as some generals, were outraged. This docudrama depicts the dramatic events that led to Nazi invasion. In March 1941 former Yugoslav government joined Axis powers by signing the...
Plot: SalaÅ¡ u Malom Ritu is a Serbian TV series, that was very popular in former Yugoslavia, based on the eponymous novel of Arsen DikliÄ, with Slavko Å timac in the main role. The show spawned two television films, SalaÅ¡ u Malom Ritu and Zimovanje u Jakobsfeldu. Wikipedia
Plot: Milorad is a young villager grown enough to marry, but his uncle Gvozden and grandpa Paun want to arrange him a marriage with Radmila, a girl from a wealthy family. He escapes to the big town, refusing to take part in it, but his adventure with a girl named Rozika ends up and he finds himself back in...
Plot: The story follows a ten-year period before WW2 in a fictional town of Gradina, Serbia and its residents, which went through the turbulent events like the Great Depression and the rise of fascism. But the most important segment of the story revolves around rivalry between two city's football clubs -...
Plot: Dealing with his customers with an open heart a car mechanic named Zivota goes through many adventures. Some are funny, some are sad, some reveal beauty and others human misery. In the end he gets tangled up himself, and not without bitterness he tries to change his ways, trying to become like his competitor...
Plot: Set almost 100 years after Captain Kirk's five-year mission, a new generation of Starfleet officers set off in the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on their own mission to go where no one has gone before.