Plot: A historical look at the Civil War. Beyond the battles and into the personal stories of the War Between the States. Based on diaries, photographs and dramatic re-enactments, the intimate side of the epic conflict is exposed. Host Danny Glover narrates episodes about West Point Classmates-Civil War...
Plot: The story of the American Civil War, encompassing the entire broad scope of the war between the States from 1861 through 1865. Featuring insights from experts as well as battle re-enactments, footage of historic locations, memoirs, and letters.
Plot: The Civil War, one of the most defining moments in the history of America, comes to life through painstakingly colorized period photographs, from both governmental and private archives.
Plot: A six-hour programme details events during three decades in which two world wars caused terrible death and devastation. It depicts the battles through the eyes of powerful men like Roosevelt, Hitler and Mussolini. The documentary shows the conflicts in a continuous timeline from 1914 to 1945, with the...
Plot: This nine-part series is the work that made documentarian Ken Burns a household name. Burns uses contemporary cinematography in addition to thousands of archival photographs, paintings and newspaper images set to music to teach people about the Civil War. A number of well-known actors and actresses...