Plot: `Shootout!' takes an in-depth look at some of the most famous shootouts in history from both perspectives of the fight. The amount of time, strategies, firepower and leadership behind each shootout are explored and re-created using 3-D animation technology. The Raid on the Bataan Death Camp, Storming...
Plot: Warriors: The Prophecies Begin is the first story arc in the Warriors juvenile fantasy novel series about feral cats. The arc comprises six novels which were published from 2003 to 2004: Into the Wild, Fire and Ice, Forest of Secrets, Rising Storm, A Dangerous Path, and The Darkest Hour. Wikipedia
Plot: Featuring cutting-edge animation techniques and the expertise of military historians, this eight-episode series explores the strategies, tactics and weapons used by ancient commanders such as Hannibal, David, Caesar and Alexander.
Plot: "SIX" tells the story of members of Navy SEAL Team 6 who are given a simple mission in 2014: eliminate a Taliban leader in Afghanistan. That task becomes more complicated when they make the discovery of an American citizen who is working with the terror group as a jihadi fighter. The team joins forces...