Plot: Hamburg Transit is a German crime television series, first aired in 1970. It ran for 52 series over four episodes until 1974. It depicts the officers of the Hamburg CID. It was a successor to Polizeifunk ruft which ran between 1966 and 1970. It was shot at the Wandsbek Studios and on location around...
Plot: Am grünen Strand der Spree was a five-part German television movie which first aired in 1960. It was based on a novel by Hans Scholz and has been called a StraÃenfeger in German, a television program that was watched by so many, the streets were empty. Wikipedia
Plot: John Kling is the protagonist of a German TV series featuring a secret agent who tackles international missions all over the world. He works as detective for an American secret service, usually teaming up with his colleague and friend Jones Burthe. Wikipedia
Plot: Stahlnetz was a German police procedural television series with many similarities to Dragnet running from 1958 to 1968, and from 1999 to 2003. Wikipedia
Plot: Cliff Dexter is a detective series in the ZDF 1966 until 1968. It produced two seasons each with 13 episodes each 25 minutes, lead actor was Hans von Borsody. Other performers have included Hans Schellbach as Commissioner Meinert, Sabine Bethmann as Jacqueline and Andrea Dahmen as Carrol. Wikipedia
Plot: Adrian der Tulpendieb was a 1966 German television series; the first that aired in full color. Six episodes were produced, which were based on the novel by Otto Rombach and directed by Dietrich Haugk. Wikipedia
Plot: Graf Yoster gibt sich die Ehre â which translates to English as Count Yoster has the Honour â was a television series produced between 1967 and 1976. Starring Lukas Ammann and Wolfgang Völz, the series followed the adventures of the title's aristocratic gentleman...
Plot: Das Kriminalmuseum was a German television series. It ran from 1963 to 1970 on ZDF and was one of its first programs. Each episode began with a tracking shot through an unspecified crime museum, stopping at one of the displays, whose story was then told. Wikipedia