Plot: HIStory is a Taiwanese streaming drama anthology series created by Chang Ting-fei for the online streaming service Line TV. Each season presents stand-alone stories with different plots and main characters focusing on the theme of boys' love, also known as BL. The first season premiered on February...
Plot: The Lagina brothers, Rick and Marty, attempt to uncover the mysteries of Oak Island, Nova Scotia. Local experts help them explore the history, mythology and geography of the island.
Plot: das aktuelle sportstudio is a weekly sports TV show on German channel ZDF, broadcast late on Saturday evenings. The program is repeated later on 3sat. It was first broadcast on 24 August 1963. From 1999 to 2005, the program was called ZDF SPORTstudio. Wikipedia
Plot: Detectives in major cities in the United States race against the clock in the wake of homicides, knowing that if they don't find a lead within the first 48 hours, their chances of solving a case are cut in half. The programme shows how detectives use forensic evidence and witness interviews to help...
Plot: Hundkatzemaus is a German television series dedicated to animals broadcast on the German television channel VOX, which was first aired in 2001. With around one million viewers, it is the most successful animal magazine on German television. On November 12, 2011, the 500th episode was aired. Wikipedia...
Plot: "Cold Case Files," one of A&E Network's most popular and successful series of all time, chronicles the re-examination of long-unsolved crimes and the journeys of law enforcement personnel who reopened them. With the use of forensic advances and new evidence, police and detectives attempt to crack the...
Plot: Eagle-eyed technical experts prove there is no such thing as a perfect crime as they assemble the pieces every criminal leaves behind. Dramatic crime re-creations and, sometimes, part of the investigations are a staple of the series. Some of the re-creations include alternate versions of the crimes...
Plot: Lt. Joe Kenda spent 23 years in the Colorado Springs Police Department, where he amassed a lifetime of memories catching killers and helping solve close to 400 homicide investigations. The vivid memories are brought back to life in this hourlong series, as Kenda reopens his "Murder Books" for viewers...
Plot: There's a reason murder investigations don't begin with preconceived notions. Sometimes those least expected to be capable of committing such dark deeds -- respected role models and trusted members of the community -- can have a sinister side. "Unusual Suspects" documents baffling, challenging investigations...
Plot: Journalist Stan Grant presents this programme that takes a look at some high-profile crimes. Each episode focuses on a particular crime as seen through the eyes of the people who were at the heart of the tragedies. Interviews, dramatic re-enactments and archival footage are used to detail the events...
Plot: Die groÃen Kriminalfälle is a German documentary television series. It first aired in 2000, since then 41 episodes have been produced. Each episode is about one famous criminal case in German post-war history. Wikipedia