Plot: "Good Bones" follows the blueprint of several series on HGTV or DIY Network that showcase revitalization specialists who turn rundown homes into stunning remodels. In this case, it's mother/daughter duo Karen E. Laine and Mina Starsiak transforming properties in and around their hometown of Indianapolis...
Plot: Jonathan and Drew Scott have renovated hundreds of family homes on three hit HGTV series: "Property Brothers," "Buying and Selling" and "Brother vs. Brother." But they have never faced clients as tough as the ones in their newest adventure, "Property Brothers at Home." The series follows the twins...
Plot: Co-executive produced by Jonathan and Drew Scott, "Reno, Set, Go!" awards covert home makeovers to people who have faced challenging situations while maintaining a positive and inspiring outlook on life. Led by designer Cheryl Torrenueva and contractor Roger Morin, friends and family of each makeover...
Plot: Gaining a large following initially as the co-star of the hit series "Flip or Flop," Christina Anstead (formerly Christina El Moussa) begins her new TV life as the focus of her own docuseries. It highlights the real estate and house-flipping professional as she helps clients transform outdated properties...
Plot: Barry Du Bois's 30 years of design and home building experience are winning lottery tickets for lucky homeowners on "The Renovation King." Taking on bedrooms, bathrooms, balconies, playrooms, kitchens and more, the man known as "Baz" has plans to turn humblest places into palaces. By tapping into his...
Plot: Like its immediate predecessor, Season 4 of "Brother vs. Brother" does not include teams or eliminations -- just Jonathan and Drew Scott once again putting their home-improvement and house-flipping skills to the ultimate test in a head-to-head competition. The six-episode season features the guys each...
Plot: As a regular guest on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" as well as the host of his own syndicated talker, interior designer Nate Berkus used charm, good looks and professional know-how to establish a solid rapport with viewers. Now he's back on TV, this time in a venture that co-stars his husband -- fellow...
Plot: The Expendables is an American ensemble action thriller franchise spanning a film series, written by and starring Sylvester Stallone and originally created by David Callaham, and additional media. Wikipedia