Plot: The Noite com Danilo Gentili is a Brazilian television program hosted by the stand-up comedian Danilo Gentili, which is currently produced and broadcast by SBT. Gentili, previously, presented for about three years the Agora à Tarde, from March 29, 2011 until December 31, 2013, on Band network...
Plot: Long running Sunday TV show famous for the controversial Gugu's Bathtub and lots of giveaways. Those worth mention are Microlins courses and one-way trips for people who can't afford to get back to their hometown.
Plot: A stubborn teenage girl finds herself confronted by whimsical characters when she is transported into a world of fantasy and fairy tales while attending a school marionette show.
Plot: Primeiro Impacto is a Brazilian morning newscast produced and originally broadcast by SBT since March 28, 2016. It is based on U.S. news program Primer Impacto, broadcast by the Univision network, which broadcasts its programming in Spanish and has its dedicated audience for the Hispanic American public...