Plot: A Vietnam veteran passing through a small town is harassed by local bullies but he fights back, using his wartime skills, and triggers a full-scale police manhunt. Kyle Hanson is a Vietnam veteran whose traumatic war-time experiences have left him unable to rejoin mainstream society. When Kyle, unkempt...
Plot: Pole Chudes is a Russian adaptation of the U.S. game show Wheel of Fortune produced by VID, provided with elements of Russian culture and hosted by Leonid Yakubovich. Current rating of the show suggests it is intended for ages 16 and above, unlike the American version which is suitable for all age...
Plot: Teams of teen-agers compete to answer questions in this Internet-setting quiz show. Three teams of two members competed in this interactive website race game. In Round 1, each of the 3 teams were given 60 seconds (independently) to earn as much money as they possibly could by using a computer and mouse...
Plot: The top champions from the first six seasons of "Jeopardy!" return to compete for $250,000. A 13-week tournament in the summer of 1990, which brought back 36 notable "Jeopardy!" contestants, including past Tournament of Champions winners and other notables from the show's history (including Burns...
Plot: You know all about them, the character archetypes that are frequently found on your favorite TV shows. This four-part series chronicles four of the most-common archetypes seen in prime time through the years, including the evolution of the "man of the house" and the "independent woman." "America in...
Plot: The movie centers on a boy, from the game's modest Baltic Avenue, on a quest to make a fortune. A trio of kids from Baltic Avenue discover that Charles Darrow, the inventor of Monopoly, hid a coded secret in the game that we've all been playing with for generations, setting them off on an adventure...
Plot: Lykkehjulet is the Danish version of the Wheel of Fortune television game show. Airing in 1988, the show was the first big American game show to be imported to Denmark and it was one of the first successes for Danish broadcaster TV2 when it became Denmark's second TV channel in 1988. Wikipedia
Plot: Wheel 2000 is a children's version of the American game show Wheel of Fortune. The show was created by Scott Sternberg and was hosted by David Sidoni, with Tanika Ray providing voice work and motion capture for a virtual reality hostess named "Cyber Lucy". Wikipedia
Plot: KoÅo Fortuny is a Polish television game show based on the American program Wheel of Fortune and developed for Poland by Wojciech Pijanowski and PaweÅ HaÅczakowski. The show first ran from 2 October 1992 to 1 September 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: Contestants have to guess sentences by filling in blanks with letters they have to guess and say. Contestants who guess a letter in the phrase win a cash prize that increases if the contestant guesses the whole phrase.
Plot: Merv Griffin's Crosswords is a fast-paced game show where contestants answer questions to finish a crossword in order to win. Each round has its own excitement, building up to a tense final round.
Plot: "Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money). In the third...
Plot: Cast members and producers of past favorite TV shows share their recollections and humorous anecdotes about memorable unscripted moments (such as when "ER" medic Noah Wyle accidentally sewed a prosthetic to the face of an actor while filming a scene), as well as looking back at stars who broke out...