Plot: A contestant challenges a `mob' of 100 others in a series of trivia questions. The player's winnings increase each time any members of the mob get a question wrong, at which point those mob members are eliminated, but if the contestant answers incorrectly, the game is over, and the mob splits his winnings...
Plot: "Come on down!" "The Price Is Right" -- hosted by Bob Barker until 2007 and Drew Carey thereafter -- features a wide variety of games and contests with the same basic challenge: Guess the prices of everyday (or not-quite-everyday) retail items. Four contestants, all of whom are seated in one of the...
Plot: Who is the Millionaire is a Vietnamese game show based on the original British format of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The show is hosted by Phan ÄÄng. Lại VÄn Sâm hosted the show until 2017. The main goal of the game is to win up to 150,000,000â« by answering...
Plot: Hợp ca tranh tà i is a Vietnamese reality talent contest that will make its debut on VTV3 in Vietnam on February 24, 2012. There are about twelve episodes scheduled to air. The format was developed from an idea from the Swedish singer and choir leader Caroline af Ugglas and based upon the US...