Plot: The show challenges celebrities to perform as different iconic music artists every week, which are chosen by the show's "Randomiser". They are then judged by the panel of celebrity judges. Each celebrity becomes transformed into a different singer each week, and performs an iconic song and dance routine...
Plot: Hosted by Ben Shephard, Rochelle Humes and Chris Kamara, this British version of the Japanese obstacle course show `Sasuka' sees 250 competitors from across the country take on the first stage, consisting of six different obstacles. From the five qualifying rounds, the ten contestants who make it the...
Plot: Who is the Millionaire is a Vietnamese game show based on the original British format of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The show is hosted by Phan ÄÄng. Lại VÄn Sâm hosted the show until 2017. The main goal of the game is to win up to 150,000,000â« by answering...
Plot: A contestant challenges a `mob' of 100 others in a series of trivia questions. The player's winnings increase each time any members of the mob get a question wrong, at which point those mob members are eliminated, but if the contestant answers incorrectly, the game is over, and the mob splits his winnings...
Plot: Two families of four are brought together and go head-to-head answering questions that have been put to 100 people, to determine the most popular responses.
Plot: "Come on down!" "The Price Is Right" -- hosted by Bob Barker until 2007 and Drew Carey thereafter -- features a wide variety of games and contests with the same basic challenge: Guess the prices of everyday (or not-quite-everyday) retail items. Four contestants, all of whom are seated in one of the...
Plot: Tôi là ... ngÆ°á»i chiến thắng is a Vietnamese vocal game show, airing on HTV7 at 9:00 pm prime time slot every Saturdays. The show premiered on May 25, 2013 with Bình Minh as the host and Siu Black/Hoà i Linh as a special 101st judge. The winner of the show might take...
Plot: Contestants are required to try and fit through holes in a polystyrene wall, which is moving towards them. The Australian version of the Japanese game show where two teams of three celebrities dressed in spandex have to fit through shapes in a Styrofoam wall, otherwise it will push them into a pool....