Plot: Kymppitonni is a Finnish television and radio game show format, created by Spede Pasanen which has been featured on Finnish networks since 1985. The show was hosted by beauty queen Riitta Väisänen during its first three runs and by Cristal Snow in its current iteration. Wikipedia
Plot: Hyvät ja huonot uutiset is a Finnish comedy panel game television show airing on channel Nelonen on Wednesday evenings. The show first aired on January 18, 2012 featuring the presenter Henkka Hyppönen and regular panelists Mikko Kuustonen, Pirjo Heikkilä, Tuomas Kyrö, Miika Nousiainen and...
Plot: Fitness lovers usually avoid dessert, but the ones featured on "Sweat Inc." have their hands out for a big slice of the billion-dollar exercise-industry pie. Starring acclaimed health and wellness expert Jillian Michaels ("The Biggest Loser"), the competition series aims to find the concept or product...
Plot: Pajama Party is an American talk show broadcast in 2000 and hosted by Katie Puckrik. The series was an American remake of the British television series Pyjama Party also created by Puckrik which she hosted in 1996. Wikipedia
Plot: Heikoin Lenkki is the Finnish version of the internationally recognized show The Weakest Link, which debuted on BBC Two in August 2000. It was hosted by journalist Kirsi Salo. It premiered in 2002, but after three years, the show was axed due to the host's pregnancy. Wikipedia