Plot: Exploring Britain's wealth divide and whether or not money truly can buy happiness, families from opposite ends of the economic spectrum trade lives for seven days. In order to see what life is like on the other side, a family that ranks in the top ten per cent of Britain's wealthiest households trades...
Plot: This 10-episode partly fictional drama comedy "Keihäsmatkat" tells the story of Kalevi Keihänen, his co-workers and his dear customer's adventures at dream vacation spots in the southern Spain. The series begins in the year 1972 which was the golden age of our beloved travel agency 'Keihäsmatkat'...
Plot: A top-rated travel documentary in Finland, the adult-oriented "Madventures" is the brainchild of popular Finnish TV host Riku Rantala and compatriot Tunna Milonoff, a director and cinematographer by trade. The pair, armed with nothing by backpacks and cameras, explore the world's most obscure and insane...
Plot: Hyvät ja huonot uutiset is a Finnish comedy panel game television show airing on channel Nelonen on Wednesday evenings. The show first aired on January 18, 2012 featuring the presenter Henkka Hyppönen and regular panelists Mikko Kuustonen, Pirjo Heikkilä, Tuomas Kyrö, Miika Nousiainen and...