Plot: Animated series about a 13-year-old boy named Henry Bigg who goes on vacation and finds mouse-like creatures in his suitcase called Littles. There's a whole family of Littles. William and Lucy Little help raise their three children, 21-year-old Dinky, 13-year-old Tom and 10-year-old Lucy. Dinky is the...
Plot: Mrs. Pepper Pot, known in Japanese as Spoon Oba-san and in the United States as Madame Peppermint, is a Japanese anime television series, based on the children's books of Mrs. Pepperpot by the Norwegian author Alf Prøysen. Wikipedia
Plot: Judo Boy is a Japanese anime television series created by Tatsuo Yoshida and directed by Ippei Kuri. The series aired on Fuji TV from April 2, 1969 to September 24, 1969, totaling 26 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Dinky Dog is a Saturday-morning animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Australia, which aired on CBS from September 9, 1978, to September 5, 1981. It was Hanna-Barbera's first show created and produced in Australia. Dinky Dog was originally broadcast as an 11-minute segment on The All New Popeye...
Plot: Sport Billy is a 1980 animated television cartoon made by Filmation Associates, initially for broadcast in Germany. The series was a single 26 episode saga that premiered in Germany and other parts of Europe from 1980 to 1981. Wikipedia
Plot: Ruy, the Little Cid is a Spanish animated adventure series produced by Spanish studio BRB Internacional and Televisión Española with animation by Japanese studio Nippon Animation. The series is based upon the life of El Cid. Wikipedia
Plot: The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty is an American animated and partially live-action television series, produced by Filmation, which originally aired for one season on the National Broadcasting Company from September 6 to November 29, 1975. Wikipedia
Plot: Wattoo Wattoo Super Bird is a French cartoon series created in 1978. Consisting of 60 five-minute episodes, the series was intended to teach morals to children. The eponymous Wattoo Wattoo is a black and white ovoid bird. He comes from a cube-shaped planet called Auguste. Wikipedia
Plot: Chapi Chapo is a French short stop-motion series. Created by Italo Bettiol and Stephano Lonati for the production company Belokapi, with music by François de Roubaix, it premiered in 1974 on RF Television and ran for 60 5-minute episodes. Wikipedia