The Littles
Description: Animated series about a 13-year-old boy named Henry Bigg who goes on vacation and finds mouse-like creatures in his suitcase called Littles. There's a whole family of Littles. William and Lucy Little help raise their three children, 21-year-old Dinky, 13-year-old Tom and 10-year-old Lucy. Dinky is the clumsy and goofy voiced pilot who is out of school and is 21 years old and is usually seen helping Grandpa Little out by doing a bunch of stuff while Mr. and Mrs. Little work during the day. Tom is the excited one and Lucy is the youngest and smallest and always ready to do something. In the second season, they adopted a girl named Ashley, who had short hair and wanted excitement always happen with The Littles. Animated series about a 13-year-old boy named Henry Bigg who goes on vacation and finds mouse-like creatures in his suitcase called Littles. There's a whole family of Littles. William and Lucy Little help raise their three children, 21-year-old Dinky, 13-year-old Tom and 10-year-old Lucy. Dinky is the clumsy and goofy voiced pilot who is out of school and is 21 years old and is usually seen helping Grandpa Little out by doing a bunch of stuff while Mr. and Mrs. Little work during the day. Tom is the excited one and Lucy is the youngest and smallest and always ready to do something. In the second season, they adopted a girl named Ashley, who had short hair and wanted excitement always happen with The Littles.
Genre: Animation, Short, Adventure, Comedy, Family
Year Released: 1983
Number of seasons: 3
Number of episodes: 29
First episode air date: September 10, 1983
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Genre: Animation, Short, Adventure, Comedy, Family
Year Released: 1983
Number of seasons: 3
Number of episodes: 29
First episode air date: September 10, 1983
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