Plot: BBC One's five-part miniseries `The Woman In White' is a television adaptation of the sensation novel of the same name by Victorian novelist Wilkie Collins, and filmed in Belfast. Portrayed by EastEnders' Ben Hardy, Walter Hartright is a young drawing master who encounters a ghostly woman in a white...
Plot: The lives and fortunes of the Bellamy family and their below-stairs servant staff at 165 Eaton Place play out against the social, political and historical backdrop of Edwardian London from 1903 to 1930.
Plot: Cranford is a British television series directed by Simon Curtis and Steve Hudson. The teleplay by Heidi Thomas was adapted from three novellas by Elizabeth Gaskell published between 1849 and 1858: Cranford, My Lady Ludlow, and Mr Harrison's Confessions. "The Last Generation in England" was also used...
Plot: Jane Eyre is a 2006 television adaptation of Charlotte BrontΓΒ«'s 1847 novel of the same name. The story, which has been the subject of numerous television and film adaptations, is based on the life of the orphaned title character. Wikipedia
Plot: In the 1830s, mill-owning families prosper as they employ children as young as 9 years old to work 12-hour shifts in the mills. One such mill is Quarry Bank Mill, where the unpaid apprentices are unable to leave until they reach adulthood. One day a group of the apprentices, led by Esther Price, put...
Plot: Sarah Adams returns to Australia post World War II to start anew. She begins working in a hospital, much to the dismay of Elizabeth Bligh, a wealthy matriarch.
Plot: Brought together by heartache professionally (fired suddenly and underhandedly from her academic position) and personally (husband of more than 20 years left her for a younger woman), two plucky ladies plant the seeds for a brighter future. Rosemary Boxer, who holds a doctorate in plant pathology, and...
Plot: This police drama series follows the activities in and around Sun Hill, a police station located in the fictional East London borough of Canley. The focus is not just the gritty reality of police work, however; the lives and loves of the officers who staff the precinct get equal play.
Plot: A crime drama about an old-school detective trying to come to terms with a time when the lines between the police and criminals have become blurred.
Plot: A Dance to the Music of Time is a 12-volume roman-fleuve by Anthony Powell, published between 1951 and 1975 to critical acclaim. The story is an often comic examination of movements and manners, power and passivity in English political, cultural and military life in the mid-20th century. Wikipedia
Plot: In a comedy-drama set in the 1960s, a South Wales coal mining community is changed forever following the death of the local doctor, whose replacement comes as quite a shock to the villagers. High-flying Delhi graduate Dr Prem Sharma and his wife, Kamini, eschew a glamorous lifestyle in London for the...
Plot: Who said storytime is just for kids? `Crackanory' features dark and funny stories for adults that tell tales of life in the 21st century. Each episode features two 15-minute stories, brought to life through a mixture of live-action and animation, narrated by a variety of the most famous names in comedy...
Plot: The Gambling Man is a British three-part television serial, or long TV movie, first broadcast in 1995, starring Robson Green, directed by Norman Stone, based on a novel by Catherine Cookson. Wikipedia