Plot: Hail to the beef! Adam Richman is at his carnivorous best in this series, a compilation of `Man v. Food' never-before-seen clips that feature the Brooklynite satisfying his substantial appetite at the best meat-serving eateries in America. Richman gives his unique take on the food, the chefs and the...
Plot: Adam Richman was at his carnivorous best in "Man v. Food," Travel Channel's popular series that featured Richman eating his way across America in a quest to conquer local food challenges. "Best Of" reheats the genre by introducing never-before-seen clips of the Brooklynite satisfying his substantial...
Plot: Adam travels around his native country USA to indulge in some of the biggest, heartiest and downright massive portions of America's favourite dishes.
Plot: Adam Richman knows all things spicy: from the science of the Scoville Scale to the appeal of a chilli-induced endorphin rush. And he's taking us to five hot spots for some spicy and delicious food.
Plot: A look at what celebrity chefs and Food Network hosts like to eat when the cameras stop rolling. Each episode of the series will delve into some of the network stars' favorite food spots and the meals that they would travel thousands of miles to have again. They dish on fantastic desserts, the best...
Plot: Veteran TV personality Carson Daly (also known for "Total Request Live," "Today," "The Voice" and the annual special, "New Year's Eve with Carson Daly") is the host of this unique talk show that includes interviews with actors, comics, filmmakers as well as a variety of other artists. Also featured...
Plot: Based upon the format of the original Japanese version of "Iron Chef," the series features a Kitchen Stadium filled with culinary equipment. At the beginning of the episode, an outside challenger chooses one of Kitchen Stadium's resident chefs to compete against. Then the host unveils a "secret ingredient...