Plot: Adam Richman was at his carnivorous best in "Man v. Food," Travel Channel's popular series that featured Richman eating his way across America in a quest to conquer local food challenges. "Best Of" reheats the genre by introducing never-before-seen clips of the Brooklynite satisfying his substantial...
Plot: Adam travels around his native country USA to indulge in some of the biggest, heartiest and downright massive portions of America's favourite dishes.
Plot: Adam Richman knows all things spicy: from the science of the Scoville Scale to the appeal of a chilli-induced endorphin rush. And he's taking us to five hot spots for some spicy and delicious food.
Plot: Hail to the beef! Adam Richman is at his carnivorous best in this series, a compilation of `Man v. Food' never-before-seen clips that feature the Brooklynite satisfying his substantial appetite at the best meat-serving eateries in America. Richman gives his unique take on the food, the chefs and the...