Plot: This show revolves around a special criminal investigation unit in Marseilles which is composed of the best experts in criminology and is responsible for solving the most complex cases.
Plot: Tandem is an Armenian sitcom television series developed by Arman Nshanyan. The series premiered on Armenia 1 on 5 March 2018. The shooting of the sitcom started on 23 December 2017. The series takes place in Yerevan, Armenia. Wikipedia
Plot: The show revolves around five young men, with varied background and motivations, entering the seminary in Paris to become priests in the context of the 21st century in France.
Plot: The Interns presented by Allied Insurance, is a reality TV show designed to seek potential talent and skill for the marketing and advertising industry. In each episode teams will be assigned projects related to marketing, including social media & cause marketing. Each team consists of 5 students from...
Plot: This crime-drama follows a group of Paris police officers who live at the edge of the law, often using violence and intimidation to get the job done. The officers' lives change when their squad leader, who had been falsely accused of corruption, commits suicide. When they start an investigation in order...
Plot: Les Bleus: premiers pas dans la police is a French police television series about five rookie police officers learning the ropes. Episodes center on the young protagonists' amusing attempts to solve and prevent crimes with the help of their seasoned superiors. Wikipedia
Plot: If you yourself cannot release; then it will come to take a piece. A cynical experienced homicide detective based in Marseilles, France is crippled in the line of duty and depends on a wheelchair to get around. He is accompanied by a young ,vivacious female detective who's been forced on him to...