Description: This crime-drama follows a group of Paris police officers who live at the edge of the law, often using violence and intimidation to get the job done. The officers' lives change when their squad leader, who had been falsely accused of corruption, commits suicide. When they start an investigation in order to clear his name, the officers realize that the police department itself stands in their way. The officers, seeking justice and facing danger from all sides, must turn their backs on the laws that they were sworn to enforce in order to uncover the truth.
Genre: Crime, Thriller
Year Released: 2009
Number of seasons: 4
Number of episodes: 32
Network: Canal+
Language: French
Directors: Olivier Marchal, Frédéric Schoendoerffer, Philippe Haïm, Éric Valette
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Genre: Crime, Thriller
Year Released: 2009
Number of seasons: 4
Number of episodes: 32
Network: Canal+
Language: French
Directors: Olivier Marchal, Frédéric Schoendoerffer, Philippe Haïm, Éric Valette
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