Plot: Before you ask, no, this isn't a remake of a John Cusack movie. It's a talk show hosted by outspoken personality and "The View" co-host Joy Behar. The show features a rotating ensemble of journalists, authors, comedians and politicos. Also stopping by to chat with Behar are entertainers and newsmakers...
Plot: Chris Hardwick is well-versed in leading in-depth conversations about zombie hordes ("Talking Dead") and shifty lawyers ("Talking Saul"). He adds a new batch of bizarre characters to his lexicon as host of "Talking Preacher," a live aftershow that provides instant analysis of the season premiere and...
Plot: Ex-con artist Jimmy McGill turns into a small-time attorney and goes through a series of trials and tragedies, as he transforms into his alter ego Saul Goodman, a morally challenged criminal lawyer.
Plot: A daily live broadcast provides current domestic and international news, weather reports and interviews with newsmakers from the worlds of politics, business, media, entertainment and sports. Additionally, specific segments such as Today's Money, Today's Kitchen and Today Throws a Wedding target specific...
Plot: Dedicated to examining the relationship between society and the media, The Paley Center for Media presents in-depth, candid discussions with the stars, writers and producers of some of today's most popular and acclaimed TV series. Amy Poehler ("Parks & Recreation"), Jim Parsons ("The Big Bang Theory...
Plot: Political commentator and author Fernando Espuelas hosts this weekly show that offers analysis of political and socioeconomic issues in America. The program promises to provide balanced coverage of issues that will impact the future, and discuss what's really going on in the country's political scene...