Plot: Following the buildup of five successful seasons on Starz, the drama hit "Power" provides fans with a companion series to the sixth and final season. "Power Confidential" will include a panel that consists of the show's cast and creators as they discuss the most memorable moments of the season. The...
Plot: The popularity of AMC's "The Walking Dead" aftershow "Talking Dead" -- and specifically of host Chris Hardwick's conversationalist ability to bring out the best in guests -- has moved the network to create a year-round talk franchise. Each hourlong episode features Hardwick talking with a single guest...
Plot: There is lots to talk about regarding AMC's Emmy-winning series "Breaking Bad," especially as it embarks upon the final eight episodes of its five-season run. The companion program "Talking Bad" helps fill the conversation void, as host Chris Hardwick is joined by actors and producers -- including...
Plot: Experienced TV host Michelle Collins and "Bachelor" alumnus Sean Lowe host a post-show discussion of each week's episode of "Bachelor in Paradise," alongside cast members and celebrity fans. Collins and Lowe also present questions and comments from viewers and share exclusive extra content, including...
Plot: Ex-con artist Jimmy McGill turns into a small-time attorney and goes through a series of trials and tragedies, as he transforms into his alter ego Saul Goodman, a morally challenged criminal lawyer.
Plot: Nickelodeon uses "The After Party" to join the trend of cable networks airing shows that discuss programs that were on earlier in the night. Stars from Nick shows sit down to chat about the episode that just aired and the making of it, including favorite on-set moments. The discussions go beyond their...
Plot: Actress Busy Philipps hosts this late-night talk show featuring comedic commentary, celebrity interviews, topical segments, and fun games. The show goes behind Busy's most popular Instagram stories and showcases her most candid moments in front of a live studio audience. With the help of her crew of...
Plot: "Stranger Things" became a surprise hit on Netflix when the first season launched in 2016. So looking to expand on the show's popularity, the streaming service launched a companion show alongside Season 2. "Beyond Stranger Things" is a recap show that discusses inspiration for the series, shares behind...