Plot: Taiga is a struggling second-generation actor who has developed a complex due to his father, a famous actor in his time. Taiga, only get to appear in variety shows, most of the time. One day when his friend bring him out for a skydiving, a big wind drag him away from the dropping point and he got stuck...
Plot: In Tokyo in the 80s, before the Big Bubble: Momoko is the second oldest daughter of four siblings in the Mitamura family. After her father Tadashi Mitamura is laid off from work and suddenly disappears, the sensitive Momoko feels most responsible to fill his place. But the family starts to break apart...
Plot: Ikkyū-san is a Japanese historical comedy anime series produced by Toei Animation, based on the recorded early life of Zen Buddhist monk Ikkyū during his stay at Ankoku-ji Temple. Wikipedia
Plot: General Rouge no Gaisen is a 12-episode Japanese medical drama television series broadcast in 2010, a sequel to the series Team Batista no EikÅ. Atsushi ItÅ and TÅru Nakamura reprised their lead roles. Wikipedia