Plot: Taiga is a struggling second-generation actor who has developed a complex due to his father, a famous actor in his time. Taiga, only get to appear in variety shows, most of the time. One day when his friend bring him out for a skydiving, a big wind drag him away from the dropping point and he got stuck...
Plot: Tachibana Ayaka, a young woman whose life has been ruined after she lost her boyfriend then her mother became gravely ill. Looking for revenge, she starts out as a hostess with the goal of rising to become the "empress" of the Osaka nightlife scene. Tachibana Ayaka, a young woman whose life has been...
Plot: The job of a medical jurisprudence involves a lot of complicated crimes such as murder and accidents. Hikaru (Fukatsu Eri) is a graduate of a medical university, also focused her discipline on neurology. One night during a student reunion, a dead body was found in the kitchen. Hikaru, who is a little...
Plot: ChocoMimi is a shÅjo 4-panel manga series written and illustrated by Konami Sonoda. It was first serialized in the magazine Ribon Original in 2003, and later the main Ribon magazine in March 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: Ikkyū-san is a Japanese historical comedy anime series produced by Toei Animation, based on the recorded early life of Zen Buddhist monk Ikkyū during his stay at Ankoku-ji Temple. Wikipedia
Plot: Teen Court: 10-dai Saiban is a 2012 Japanese television drama series. This television series is inspired by the teen court justice system found in the United States. Teen courts allows teenagers who commit minor offenses to be tried by other teenagers, and they follow the concept of restorative justice...
Plot: Ichiro Tanaka is a university freshman who wants to be popular amongst girls, but somehow joins a railroad club, and slowly discovers his love for railways and trains.