Plot: Summer x Summer is a 2007 Taiwanese television series starring Joe Cheng, Wu Xiong and Ethan Juan. It was based on the Japanese josei manga, ã´ã¼å¤ããã£ã±ã, written by Yachi Emiko. It was produced by...
Plot: The art of noodle making take center stage in this delightful drama about pursuing your dreams and finding your identity. Kang Soo-Chan (Yoon Shi-Yoon) is an aspiring noodle chef, following in the footsteps of his father, Zhang Lin (Shuguang Gao), who owns the famed Hangzhou Noodle Restaurant. Zhang...
Plot: A story about a woman in Ping An town during the Qing Dynasty, who was tortured by her stepmother. Lan Yan's father remarried an evil woman who treated Lan Yan terribly and when her father passes away, things go from bad to worse.
Plot: He had no idea what fate had in store for him. Years ago, Shen An (Park Hae-Jin) had his heart broken by his first love. He spent years overseas nursing his broken heart before finally returning to China to start a new business.
Plot: Love or Bread is a 2008 Taiwanese drama starring Joe Cheng and Ariel Lin. It was produced by Gala Television and directed by Lin He-long. This marks the third drama that Cheng and Lin have co-starred together, after It Started with a Kiss in 2005 and its sequel They Kiss Again in 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: The Rose is a 2003 Taiwanese drama starring Ella Chen, Jerry Huang, Joe Cheng, Joelle Lu and Cecilia Yip. It was based on the Japanese josei manga, Bara no Tame ni, written by Akemi Yoshimura and directed by Chu Yu-ning. It was broadcast on Taiwan Television from 25 May 2003 to 23 November 2003. Wikipedia...