Plot: Boysitter is a 2014 Taiwanese romantic-comedy television series created and produced by TVBS. Starring Annie Chen, River Huang, Melvin Sia as the main leads with Nita Lei, Yang Qing and Gao Shan Feng as the main supporting cast. The original title literally translates to "Pretty Woman Grabs First Marriage...
Plot: he business world can be a dangerous place. Chin Hsiang-Yu (Tammy Chen) is a ruthless businesswoman who doesn't let anything or anyone stand in the way of getting what she wants.
Plot: Youth Power is a 2015 Taiwanese political drama, comedy, romance television series created and produced by TVBS. Starring Tammy Chen, Yao Yuan Hao, Jason Tsou, and Nana Lee as the main cast. Filming began on January 8, 2015 and wrapped up on July 21, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: A Taiwan restaurant is like a second home to many of its customers, who love the family atmosphere. However, the people that run the diner are not actually related to each other.
Plot: Rock N' Road is a 2014 Taiwanese romantic musical comedy television series created and produced by TVBS. It stars Chris Wu, Kimi Hsia, Mike Lee and Nita Lei. The original title literally translates to "A-List Road", which is in reference to the billing status of a celebrity. Wikipedia
Plot: The current owner of Golden Chicken, Li Anan, is determined to sell her family restaurant to the highest bidder. Unfortunately, there is no buyer. She is forced to stay put and try to restore the restaurant back to its former glory. As her family story has it, a hundred years ago the restaurant became...