Plot: Che tempo che fa is an Italian television late-night talk show hosted by Fabio Fazio. It has been broadcast live on Saturdays and Sundays on the Italian TV since 2003. The show has been aired since 13 September 2003 on Rai 3 up to 4 June 2017. On 24 September 2017 it moved to Rai 1, until 2 June 2019...
Plot: Studio Aperto is the brand for Italian TV channel of Mediaset network Italia 1's news programmes. Founded by Emilio Fede on 16 January 1991 with the beginning of Gulf War, it's shown domestically on Italia 1. Wikipedia
Plot: TG La7 is the brand for Italian TV channel La7's news programmes. They are shown domestically on La7 several times throughout the day. It was launched in 2001. Wikipedia