Plot: This cartoon for preschoolers takes two elements young children often find fascinating -- mythical animals and monster trucks -- and combines them to create a different kind of action hero. The mechanicals are comprised of Rex, Unicorn, Komodo, Sasquatch and Mouse, five friends with the power to transform...
Plot: Amú Amigos is an Irish-language TV travel show with a mainly young audience. Hector travels to various countries, meeting and chatting with the locals in English/Spanish and then explaining to the audience in Irish. His enthusiasm and love for the Irish language has influenced many other programmes...
Plot: Ard san Aer was an Irish language television programme which showed highlights of Gaelic games. It was TG4's flagship Gaelic games show from November 1996 to October 2005. Wikipedia
Plot: In this light-hearted dance competition, eight well known Irish personalities put on their dancing shoes to take the floor to find out if they are the RÃl Deal!
Plot: Animals in The Valley have been using their Kung fu skills to ward off evil in their homeland, but they need a miracle to win the battle. Skunk arrives to help their cause and begins following the teachings of Panda. Skunk must learn to master Kung Fu and his stink to overcome the sinister Dragon and...
Plot: Ky is a 15-year-old student of ancient martial arts who embarks on a quest to find the Kairu, a primordial alien energy force. Ky forms Team Stax along with friends Boomer and Maya, all of whom transform into powerful, monstrous warriors to race against their nemeses with the goal of protecting the...
Plot: Sandra is not an ordinary girl; she is the last descendant of a long line of fairy-tale detectives. Sandra goes to the Land of Once Upon a Time, which -- few people know -- is home to all storybook characters. Her assistant, a 500-year-old elf named Fo, tells her the place has a problem. Sandra jumps...
Plot: Nollaig No. 1 was an Irish-language talent show, the winner of which got the opportunity to release their winning song to the general public for Christmas 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: This children's series tells the story of anthropomorphic pig Piggley Winks. The show starts with Grandpa Piggley, in the United States, telling his three grandchildren stories about his younger days in Ireland in the 1950's. The flashbacks feature Piggley as a young lad living in Ireland with his...
Plot: Ruthless TV crime reporter Cathal Mac Iarnáin seeks to expose the truth behind every story. His pursuit of the truth blinds him to the world of crime edging closer to him.
Plot: Tide is an Irish/Scottish/Welsh documentary TV series about the tide, the seas and human action on both. Filmed in Ireland, Great Britain, China, Norway, the Netherlands and Canada, it is a coproduction by TG4, BBC Alba, BBC Northern Ireland, S4C and the Chinese broadcaster LIC. Wikipedia
Plot: Following the life of Aifric whose wacky family have just moved to a new town in the West of Ireland. The 14-year-old wants nothing more than to fit in but feels her family will not make it easy for her.
Plot: GAA Beo is the principal Gaelic games programme of Irish language-broadcaster TG4. Typically, it is shown on TG4 on a regular basis on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, as well as midweek, all year round ... Wikipedia
Plot: Laochra Gael is an Irish television programme. Now its seventeenth series, the show profiles and celebrates some of the greatest names in Gaelic games since the 1920s. Wikipedia
Plot: L.A. 7 is the second series in the BBC television series starring British pop group S Club 7. The programme was shown every week on CBBC, from 6 April 2000 to 6 July 2000 and starred all seven members of the band as fictionalized versions of themselves. Wikipedia
Plot: Wissper is a seven-year-old girl with the ability to talk to the animals that visit her home, helping them to solve their problems and making friends along the way.
Plot: An Crisis is an Irish comedy television series which was first broadcast on TG4 in 2010 as a six-part miniseries satirising the inner workings of an Irish-language quango. It was written by Antoine à Flatharta and directed by Charlie McCarthy. A sequel, titled Crisis Eile aired in 2013. Wikipedia...
Plot: The story of the Connolly brothers, three Irish immigrants who travel from Montana to the Yukon during the Klondike gold rush of the 1890s in the hope of striking it rich.