Plot: Hatsumori Bemars is a Japanese television drama series starring Japanese idol girl group Nogizaka46. Nanase Nishino played the lead role. It premiered on TV Tokyo on 11 July 2015. The theme song is "TaiyΓ Nokku". Wikipedia
Plot: Saba Doru is a Japanese television drama series broadcast on TV Tokyo starring AKB48's Mayu Watanabe. The story revolves around the 38-year-old Usa Shijimi, who is a high school classical literature teacher. Her students are mean to her, but they do not realize that she has another identity. Wikipedia...
Plot: Shirato Osamu (Chiba Yudai), who is into his second year as a jobless university graduate, is very soft-hearted and timid. He is ignored by girls who treat him just like air. However, his life undergoes a sudden change when he meets his childhood friend Kurosaki Hitoshi (Hongo Kanata) again. Shirato...