Plot: Two teenage boys from starkly different backgrounds find themselves joined in a common search to discover how to do the right thing and find happiness in life. One boy, whose father is an alcoholic, works hard to care for his younger brother and sister, while the other enjoys the privileges of a wealthy...
Plot: Sushi Åji! is an original Japanese television drama series directed by Tsutsumi Yukihiko with main lead played by Domoto Koichi of KinKi Kids. It aired on Friday nights for a total of 8 episodes, from July 27 - September 14, 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Mayuko, a woman with autism, has a chance meeting with a a young former psychiatrist, Shinichi who helps her to develop new skills and progressively helps her learn about closeness. But Shinichi still has to come to terms with the death of his previous girlfriend before he can truly open up and love...
Plot: A man's house burns down, killing him and leaving his wife in a coma. His friend, Katsuo, decides to take in the man's four children and take care of them in his tiny apartment. At first, the children are still traumatized by what has happened, but if anything can help them regain hope, it's Katsuo'...
Plot: Tohko is living in 1999, and dreams of falling in love before the world supposedly ends in 2000. When she sees aspiring boxer Tokieda Yuji practicing in a park, she falls for him instantly. Unfortunately, in spite of her best efforts, Yuji doesn't see Tohko as a love interest, and is instead feeling...
Plot: Dare Yorimo Mama o Ai su is a Japanese TV drama with 11 episodes aired from July 2, 2006 to September 10, 2006 on TBS channel, and tells the story of the members of an unusual family with a stay-at-home father and a working mother. Kazutoyo Kamon is a Stay-at-home dad. His wife Chiyo is a lawyer. Wikipedia...