Plot: Abandoned by his mother and having had to fend for himself, Ryuu is one of many Japanese youths that have turned to a life of petty crime in order to survive in Japanese society. Life on the streets has given him a tough exterior, but it is his kind heart and his dislike for what he has become that...
Plot: Tohko is living in 1999, and dreams of falling in love before the world supposedly ends in 2000. When she sees aspiring boxer Tokieda Yuji practicing in a park, she falls for him instantly. Unfortunately, in spite of her best efforts, Yuji doesn't see Tohko as a love interest, and is instead feeling...
Plot: Two teenage boys from starkly different backgrounds find themselves joined in a common search to discover how to do the right thing and find happiness in life. One boy, whose father is an alcoholic, works hard to care for his younger brother and sister, while the other enjoys the privileges of a wealthy...
Plot: Summer Snow is a Japanese television drama that was broadcast from July 7 to September 15, 2000, on TBS. It is a love story between a young man who has been forced to grow up too quickly, and a young woman with an activity-restricting ailment. Wikipedia
Plot: Kurama Rokuro is a private detective. He is a detective story aficionado, and a mystery geek. He believes in ghosts and UFOs. He hates the sight of blood and dead bodies. Actually he has a sharp insight and a creative imagination, but his reasoning is always just a guess. When he wrongly accuses people...