Plot: The first Polish dance and music series, "Tancerze" follows the lives of students and teachers of a private performing arts school. The lead cast includes: Katarzyna Glinka, Katarzyna Cichopek, Marcin Dorocinski, Magdalena Walach and Natalia Lesz. The series is based on a Spanish format inspired by...
Plot: "The Rose Inn" is a charming small hotel outside Warsaw and the main setting for the plot. Here the three female characters Iwa, Dusia and Maryla meet the most important events take place...
Plot: Rodzina zastÄpcza was a popular Polish primetime comedy series broadcast on Polsat from 23 February 1999 to 20 December 2009. In 2004 the title was changed to Rodzina zastÄpcza plus and the series got longer episodes, as well as more regular characters and locations. Wikipedia
Plot: Hela is a recovering alcoholic, now divorced from an abusive husband, struggling to bring up three children on her own. This is a Polish version of American sit-com "Grace Under Fire", it's title in English means "Hela out on a llimb."