Plot: "The Rose Inn" is a charming small hotel outside Warsaw and the main setting for the plot. Here the three female characters Iwa, Dusia and Maryla meet the most important events take place...
Plot: 13 posterunek is a Polish sitcom series directed and scripted by Maciej Ślesicki, starring Cezary Pazura and Marek Perepeczko. The whole series is made of eighty-three episodes and divided into two seasons of which the first is made of 41 and the second - named 13 posterunek 2 - of 42 episodes. Wikipedia...
Plot: Åwiat wedÅug Kiepskich is a Polish television sitcom that premiered by on March 16, 1999 on Polsat. The show follows the life of a dysfunctional Polish family from WrocÅaw. Wikipedia
Plot: ÅwiÄta wojna is a popular Polish comedy series broadcast on TVP2 from January 23, 2000 to May 9, 2009. The series runs in Katowice. In this series characters communicate Silesian language. A 11th season is in production and will be premiered in autumn 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: Miodowe lata is a popular Polish television sitcom, produced by Polsat from 1998 to 2003. It is the Polish version of the American sitcom The Honeymooners. The sitcom was realised in the Warsaw theatre. In 2004 the sequel to the sitcom, CaÅkiem nowe lata miodowe, was created. Wikipedia
Plot: Rodzina zastÄpcza was a popular Polish primetime comedy series broadcast on Polsat from 23 February 1999 to 20 December 2009. In 2004 the title was changed to Rodzina zastÄpcza plus and the series got longer episodes, as well as more regular characters and locations. Wikipedia