Plot: Munchies is an American animated music television series that was previously aired on Fuse. Clips focused on everything from odd music videos to cats parodying Hannity and Colmes to internet shorts. Also featured were videos performed by imaginary bands, such as Construction Paper Hearts On Fire. Wikipedia...
Plot: Sub Zero is an interactive children's game show based around the show The Crystal Maze. The show featured on CBBC on BBC Two from 21 February 1999 to 11 March 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Dr. Rochelle (Mason Adams) assigns nurse Amanda Sayles (Elizabeth Barondes) to an in-home position at the residence of Paul Johnson (Michael York), a wealthy man with a bizarre blood condition who needs daily transfusions. After a string of disappearances of houseguests, Sayles begins to suspect her...
Plot: The Carnosaur film series consists of B-movies produced by Roger Corman that feature genetically engineered dinosaurs running amok in various scenarios. The series started with the first Carnosaur film, released in 1993, that was loosely based on the 1984 novel Carnosaur by John Brosnan. Wikipedia