Plot: On a mission aboard the Nightflyer, the most advanced ship ever built, a team of scientists embark on an expedition to make first contact with alien life. Set in the year 2093, their mission takes them beyond the edge of the solar system, farther than mankind has ever gone before. But when terrifying...
Plot: Based on the EC Comics series of the same name, this campy and stylized anthology series recounts a string of horrific yarns introduced by the show's moldering host, the Crypt Keeper. Episodes feature a number of well-known actors and actresses, including Dan Aykroyd, Malcolm McDowell, Christopher Reeve...
Plot: Captain Jean-Luc Picard leads a new generation of Starfleet officers in the Enterprise NCC 1701-D spacecraft to seek out new planet and life forms in space.
Plot: Poor little Marshall Teller. First, his parents uproot him from his home in New Jersey. Then they move the whole family to Eerie, Indiana, population 16,661, where nothing is as it seems. Strange things happen in Eerie (which Marshall could have expected from the name); however, only Marshall and his...
Plot: Baywatch Nights is an American police and science-fiction drama series that aired in syndication from 1995 to 1997. Created by Douglas Schwartz, David Hasselhoff, and Gregory J. Bonann, the series is a spin-off from the television series, Baywatch. Wikipedia
Plot: Will Smith more or less plays himself in this good-natured NBC sitcom. As the show's popular theme song explains, fictional Will's mom sends him away from his rough Philadelphia neighborhood to live with wealthy Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian in Bel-Air. Will often has fun at the expense of stuck-up cousins...
Plot: Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home. On its way, the crew encounters different species they must deal with, but find that all their adventures only make them long for home.
Plot: This animated series conveys the dark mood of the original "Batman" comic books. Unlike the light action "Batman" show of the 1960s, Gotham City's Caped Crusader, Bruce Wayne, is sometimes moody. And Robin's alter ego, Dick Grayson, has a more-mature personality than in the original series.